Helping my child at school
We value our partnership with parents/carers in St Brigid's School and encourage open communication between home and school. We welcome comments on the quality of education we provide and look for opportunities to include parents' views in our review and improvement planning process. It is our school policy to involve parents/carers immediately it becomes apparent that a child is experiencing difficulty. Parents/carers are welcome in school to discuss any aspect of their child's education. To enable quality time to be set-aside for this, it is advisable to contact the school to arrange an appointment.
Parents/carers interviews are held twice yearly which give parents/carers an opportunity to discuss their child's progress and hehaviour and view their work. Samples of pupils' work are also sent home. Monthly newsletters are sent giving information about all school matters/events etc. We aim to provide a welcoming, relaxed atmosphere where parents/carers are happy to work with us. We value all help given by parents/carers. Parents/carers will be informed of all forthcoming meeting and activities and your support is greatly appreciated.
New parent helper are always well received!
Useful Link
The National Parent Forum of Scotland online conference is now live and can be accessed via the following link:
St Brigid’s Primary School 4 Glenmore Avenue Glasgow G42 0EH Phone: 0141 647 3952 Fax: 0141 647 2745 E-mail: